Bathroom Maintenance 101

 Lots of good tips here on how to maintain and spruce up your bathroom.

Tip #1 - If something doesn't work then rip or kick it off the wall and hot glue a new (or heavily used) one back up.  Don't worry about the holes or missing wall paper.  Customers love the mystery of guessing what kind of bugs might be living in those little holes.

Tip #2 - If beavers, rats, roaches, or bats chew holes in the wall its an easy fix.  All you need is some old plywood that has been laying in the rain or even a piece of an old cooler where you keep your fish guts.  Screw it to the wall with rustiest screws you can find.  Everyone is going to love the risk of possibly having to get a tetanus shot and the ongoing threat of a mutant beaver roach attack mounting behind that loose piece of wood.  It makes a quick bathroom run into something exciting and dangerous!

Tip #3 - No place to store your cleaning utensil?  Grab a bottle of bleach or an old gas can previously used for huffing.  Carefully cut a hole leaving the handle for portability.  Breath a sigh of relief knowing that everything is in its place and looks great!


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