Reduse, Reuse, Revolting

In these days where everybody needs to do their part for the planet, its good to see even the owner of this bathroom getting into the act.  They clearly had a rotting old boat or the used wall of an out house laying around and decided it was time to put it to good use.

They crudely sawed off the end making sure not to use any kind of paint or sealant that might hurt the environment.  It will naturally soak up liquids without the daily need for watering to keep it just moist enough to promote proper mold growth.

They also went with a very natural look for the counter top itself.  They would never use any soaps or harsh abrasives that might pollute the ground water.  Eventually the gunk will build up enough that they can remove the wood altogether and it will support itself.  This wood can then be used to built a bread box or a baby's crib.

 This is where the attention to detail really shows.  They could have used some toxic adhesive or virgin metal screws to attach this soap dispenser, but they took the time to strip some copper from a vacationing neighbors wiring and attached it securely to the counter.  This too, is only temporary.  The overflowing soap is making a natural shell that will be stronger and nastier than any stolen wire.  This wire will then be used as a way to start their car or a tooth scraper.

Recycling is not always about just reusing things.  Sometimes its about taking care of the things you have to make them last longer.  This is their GOOD spray bottle.  They know that when you have something worth keeping that its worth treating well.  They are keeping this baby high and not so dry hanging in the leaky plumbing instead of on the filthy, pest-ridden floor.


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